Best SEO Tips For Blogger

Best SEO Tips For Blogger :-
Hello friends,Welcome to tricksgenie. As you know that SEO plays an important role in bringing traffic to you site/blog. Here At tricksgenie, We also follow some tricks to increase our Search engine Rank. Today, i am gonna give you some Blogger SEO tricks. And i will be looking forward for WordPress SEO in my upcoming posts. So, lets Begin.

There are so many things about Blogger SEO, every blogger must have to keep in mind. Some from them are much important to rank our website/blog on search engines while some are not more important or much useful for our site. So today we are going to sharing best 5 blogger SEO tips for beginners. These are the main blogger SEO tips and tricks, which every Blogger user must have to learn before starting his/her blog on Blogger. 
Blogspot,  also known as Google Blogger, is free and easy to use rather than WordPress. Every newbie blogger have to start his first blog on Blogspot, after that when he will able to receive huge traffic on his blog, he can shift his blog from Blogspot to WordPress. WordPress have much features which makes us more easy to use and they are very helpful in writing Posts on it. Thousands of Plugins are available for WordPress so we don’t have to do much struggle for anything we want on our website/blog, whereas in Google blogger, we have to do everything manually. So I have collected top blogger SEO tips which are main and important to getting traffic from search engines on your blog.

Blogger Useful SEO For Beginners 2016

When are are talking about SEO, we have to remember SEO are of two types : First is On-Page SEO and second one is Off-Page SEO. On-Page SEO is done by our Articles which we written on our Blog and Off-Page SEO are linked to our Blog’s Backlinks, Domain Authority, Meta Tags, etc. We have to always write an article, optimized with keywords and meta tags. Let we will discuss more on this topic in our 5 main blogger SEO tips given below.
1) Format Post Permalink (Post URL Link)
Permalink plays main role in ranking our posts in search engines. There are some important rules of Permalink, every blogger must have to keep in mind :
  • Must use targeted Keyword in permalink.
  • Always use small permalink with keyword.
  • Don’t use stop words in permalink (Like: A, An, The)
Blogspot provides us an option to edit our post’s permalink. It is situated in right side menu while we are writing an article on our blog. So use it to edit  your permalink from normal to into SEO friendly permalink. It will automatically generate your permalink from your post Title, but there is a Custom Permalink option in permalink section by which we can edit automatic generated link. To write SEO friendly permalink, must use keyword in link and remove stop words link vowels (A, an, the) from keywords in permalink. For example check out our Screenshot which is edited into SEO friendly permalink :

2) Format Blog Post Title
Blog’s post title also plays a major role in Blogspot SEO, so we must have to optimize SEO friendly post title. Always remember to use keyword in permalink, article, description as well as in title also. Generally in most of the Blogger templates, Blog’s Title will appear first rather than Post title in search engines. Like our Blog title is “Tricksgenie” and our Post title is “Best SEO Tips For Blogger“. So in most blogger templates, our post title will appear in search engines like this :
Tricksgenie| Best SEO Tips For Blogger
It is not good for our blog SEO, so we have to optimize our Blog post title from Template section. For this first of all go to Template section > Edit Html. Now find out this code in it “title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title>” and replace this code with :
<b:if cond= ‘data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>
Done, It will automatically optimize your Blog post titles.

3) Optimize Post Images
It is very important to optimize your article as well as images also for SEO, so that search engines can index your Images also with your post. We have to optimize our blog posts for SEO by adding title tags and alt tags. You must have to enter keyword related to Image which we posted in our article. In wordpress it will done automatically ans easily by plugins, but in Blogger, we have to do this manually after uploading each image. You can easily done by click on Image > Properties and enter Title and Alt of your image. For Example image given below :
Your image will get optimized with SEO and search engines will index your image after adding title and alt tags.

4) Nofollow External Links
In BlogSpot, you will see an option while entering any link in your post about, as “Add ‘rel=nofollow’ attribute” below the link. If the link, you are going to entering in your post is not useful or it is a link of any low categorized website, then you must have to Tick rel=nofollow option. And if link you are entering is related to your website or it is link of any Big website, don’t use this attribute. By this your website can’t follow any poor websites which are not helpful for our website/blog. For Example see the image :
It will help in your Blog SEO, you must have to add nofollow attribute to low categorized website links.

5)  Limit Keywords Density
It is very important to maintain Keyword density for better ranking in search engines. If you will use Too less keywords then it lead to less ranking, whereas if you will stuffing or using too much Keywords lead to over optimization. I recommend you to maintain the keyword ration as 2% in a post. Only add keywords in specific places where it is necessary to place keyword. Must use keywords in Post title, Alt tag, Description, Permalink and in Footer of the post. Don’t use keyword again and again to manipulate the search engines, it will decrease your ranking. After completing your article, check again your whole post and realize are you used too less keywords or used too much keywords in your post. If you then maintain it and publish your post. 

So friends these are the 5 best blogger SEO tips for beginners. Always remember these all 5 points while you are writing post on your Blog. Maintain your posts from Keyword stuffing and maintain keywords density. You can easily rank your BlogSpot blog higher in search engines by following these some top blogger SEO tricks for blogspot. I hope my article is helpful for you. If you have any doubt or query, feel free to comment below.Thanks and keep visiting Tricksgenie. 
