How To Secure E-Mail Account

There are many ways through which you can secure your e-mail account.

1. S/MIME: Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension is a security protocol that offers both confidentiality and authentication of e-mail through digital certificate and public key encryption.

2. MOSS: MIME Object Security Service provides confidentiality, authentication and non-repudiation of e-mail message. Non-repudiation is an important concept which states sender can't deny that he doesn't send a message because it
provides the guarantee that sender can't deny it later. MOSS use different algorithms to provide authentication and confidentiality. Some of the algorithms are message digest 2, message digest 5, data encryption standard to provide
authentication and confidentiality.

3. PEM: Privacy Enhanced Mail is a mail
encryption mechanism that uses X.509, RSA and DES for authentication, integrity and confidentiality.

4. PGP: Pretty Good Privacy uses a variety of encryption algorithms and public-private key cryptography to encrypt e-mail and sends a message in a secure way. The first version uses RSA for encryption but later it offered many other options too.

By using these options, you can eliminate and secure your email against most of the vulnerabilities.

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